The main objective is to establish a long-term network of experimental mixed plantations called FORMIX (as FORest MIXtures) to investigate biodiversity and forest ecosystem functioning relationships in the context of climate change. This network focuses on mixed species plantations that are relevant in terms of composition and management for forest owners and managers. The expected results are intended to be rapidly transferable to practitioners.

The adoption a common charter for the design and installation of experimental mixed species plantation between partner organizations is an essential prerequisite for the creation of an international collaborative network. The application of a precise list of principles ensures the production of data that can be analyzed jointly and is relevant data for forest management and policy. This charter also seeks to meet the expectations of TreeDivNet so as to provide the opportunity to apply for membership of the largest network of forest biodiversity experiments worldwide.

This document has been produced as part of the scientific partnership of the COMFOR project, ending up with the establishment of mixed plantations in Portugal, Spain and France. Beyond this initial collaboration, any organization is invited to join the FORMIX network to strengthen its scope and scientific interest. The partnership is not subject to a legal framework but is based on the principle of the voluntary application of its charter and protocol by the parties involved. A steering committee made up of a core group of researchers will provide support and advice to applicants to ensure compliance with FORMIX principles and thus the comparability of shared data.
Interested in joining the network?
1. Please read the following protocol describing the rules and principles to respect when designing your experimental plantation.
2. Contact us if you need help to create your own mixed plantation design or validate your workplan.
3. Once the experimental plot has been established, please send us a description sheet of your plantation using the following template.