BlockTHE NETWORK The FORMIX network is now composed of 6 experiments installed over 3 countries listed in the following map: More to find about each experiment in the table below and the associated description sheet: ExperimentPlantation yearSize (ha)Diversity gradientNumber of speciesManager FORMIX-INRAE-Gironde202215.31, 2, 3, 4 sp.6INRAE FORMIX-ONF-Aquitaine20225.41, 2 sp.5ONF FORMIX-NEIKER-Laudio2023111, 2, 3 sp.3NEIKER FORMIX-IUFOR-Montija2022151, 2, 3 sp.3IUFOR FORMIX-ISA/ALTRI-Santarem20232.31, 2, 3 sp.3ALTRI, ISA FORMIX-INRAE-LimousinDec-228.21, 2, 3 sp.4INRAE